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Getting Creative in 2021 with Branding & Marketing

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

We asked our Brand & Marketing Team what advisors should be doing in 2021...

Branding and Marketing
Branding and Marketing

Branding Tips

Fortunato Restagno, Brand Coach

Many advisory firms have great brand and marketing ideas but they forget about one critical ingredient before getting started - their compelling story. As an advisor, your story is the one thing that is unforgettable. Without it, it's easy for people to forget why you are different than other advisors.

A compelling story will flow through your brand and touchpoints effortlessly and bring your corporate identity together. The challenge is figuring out what your unique story is. Think about your childhood, your adolescence, the beginning of your career, important people in your life, hobbies and interests. If you have a team, work on this together and see if there are any similar themes that come to the surface. Write down any noteworthy events that you feel have had an impact on who you are today and why you are an advisor. Don't be afraid to share this story with your clients. It makes you human and relatable.

Marketing Tips

Heather Amlin, Marketing Coach

Having a TouchPoint Strategy and Implementation Plan is essential once you have created your new Brand or have decided to re-fresh your marketing materials. There are a few key points to consider:

You need to understand how to reach your ideal clients and/or target your ideal prospects when considering your marketing materials (TouchPoints). Many of your clients may be tech savvy and appreciate your online presence - virtual meeting PowerPoint presentations, online appointment software and e-newsletters. However, many advisors have clients that are not on the computer and would benefit from physical paper documents like brochures and on brand client report templates. You need to know your audience.

The people in your target area should know who you are, what you do, and how you support your community. Having a marketing strategy outlining where to advertise and how to keep top of mind with your clients and prospects is important. It might be something as simple as your name, logo, slogan, and descriptor appearing as a banner ad in the local newspaper, a 10 second ad on your local radio station, or sending a unique, on brand Thanksgiving card to clients in October.

Digital Marketing Tips

Kelly Maxwell, Content Creator & Digital Marketing Coach

If you have developed your strategy and have concluded that digital marketing is an important part, consider the following:

Most TouchPoints you create can have a digital aspect to them - online brochure, newsletter or greeting card so developing a digital version can broaden your reach.

We have also seen many advisors revamp their websites to better reflect their brand, values, philosophies and to provide more resources and easier online communication. E-newsletters and social media communication are also popular, especially now when face-to-face interaction is limited. If you don’t like writing content, share third party content or try short videos on your phone/virtual meeting software. It's easy for advisors and small businesses to get overwhelmed with what to do. Take one step at a time and stick to the plan!

Good luck and if you need help getting started, please contact us.

For more tips, check out this 2-minute video:

4 Critical Steps to Brand and Market Your Business.


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